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The International Office welcomes you to the Perm National Research Polytechnic University! One of the most important missions of PNRPU is to strengthen Russian international reputation for education, science and technology. PNRPU is one of the leading universities for education and research in Russia and an active member of the international scientific community through innovative, original research and excellent education. International Office fosters international collaboration in research and education and enhances the institution’s recognition abroad. The office is responsible for PNRPU international strategy implementation.

The multidimensional mission of the International Office complements the international relations of research teams, departments or administrative divisions at the institutional level.


International affairs office
The deputy head
Tatyana Kondrashina
e-mail: schraidmann@pstu.ru, schraidmann@gmail.com
Tel./Fax +7 342 219 81 33,
Russia, 614990, Perm, Komsomolsky prospekt, 29, Main Building, room 329

International Partnership, International Educational Programs & Exchange
International Relations Office
Yuliya Surkova
e-mail: ums@pstu.ru  
Tel./Fax +7 342 219 81 33,
Russia, 614990, Perm, Komsomolsky prospekt, 29, Main Academic Building, room 329

Education of foreign students
Foreign students faculty
Vladimir Poplygin
e-mail: foreign@pstu.ru
Tel +7 342 219 87 77,
Russia, 614990, Perm, Komsomolsky prospekt, 29, Main Academic Building, room 174

Visa and Police Registration
Olga Shevchenko
e-mail: osh@pstu.ru
Tel: +7 342 219 89 34
Russia, 614990, Perm, Komsomolsky prospekt, 29, Academic Building B, room 311

Foundation studies (Preparatory courses)
Elena Ivanova
e-mail: poig_pnipu@mail.ru
Tel: + 7 342 219 82 22
Russia, 614990, Perm, Komsomolsky prospekt, 29, Academic Building A, room 315a