Under article 1 of the Agreement on Cooperation in education signed on May 15, 1992 (Tashkent),  CIS countries guarantee for all persons living on CIS territories equal rights to education and its accessibility regardless of nationality and other distinctions. Persons permanently living on the territory of a CIS country with citizenship of another CIS country can get education of all levels, academic degrees and positions under the terms of a country-participant they live in.

Under the Agreement on cooperation  in education signed on May 15, 1992 (Tashkent), foreigners can apply for state-funded places along with citizens of the Russian Federation and on the same terms if they can prove the fact they live on the territory of the Russian Federation permanently by a residence permit certificate.

Countries-participants signed the Agreement on cooperation in education (May 15, 1992, Tashkent):

1. Republic of Azerbaijan

2. Republic of Armenia

3. Republic of Belarus

4. Republic of Kazakhstan

5. Republic of Kyrgyzstan

6. Republic of Moldova

7. Russian Federation

8. Republic of Tadjikistan

9. Republic of Turkmenistan

10. Republic of Uzbekistan

11. Ukraine

Russian admission office organizes and realizes admission for bachelor programs (state-funded places). Operational administration of admission is managed by faculties.

Application documents:

  • application form
  • residence permit certificate  (NOT temporary residence permit certificate)
  • certificate to apply for a state-financing place (you can get this certificate at PNRPU International Relations Office: office 329 main PNRPU building);
  • identification document(s);
  • prior education document;
  • recognition certificate of foreign education documents  (if you have foreign education documents, please come at PNRPU International Relations Office: office 329, main PNRPU building);
  • certificates of applicant`s individual achievements (these certificates will be used as an additional factor in deciding whether to offer you a state-financing place under PNRPU admission rules; providing of these certificates is optional);
  • 2 matte photos (3х4 cm);
  • medical certificate «0-86 у».

Foreign documents must be translated into Russian and notary certified.

Applicants may provide copies of the application documents.

If an applicant wants to apply for several majors (specialities) and (or) educational programs, an applicant should provide an application form for each chosen major/speciality/educational program. It is forbidden to make any corrections in an application form.

Submission of the application documents: PNRPU admission office, 29 Komsomolsky prospect, city Perm.

Application deadlines for bachelor/specialist courses, state-financing places: 

July 15, 2017

full-time/part-time mode of study

On the base of PNRPU entrance exams results

July 26, 2017

full-time/part-time mode of study

Only on the base of EGE  (ЕГЭ) results

(EGE is a Russian Unified State Exam)

August 5, 2017

part-time mode of study

 on the base of EGE  (ЕГЭ)  and PNRPU entrance exam results


In case you have no opportunity to submit all required documents personally, you can send the documents by post to address: PNRPU admission office, 29 Komsomolsky prospect, city Perm, Perm Krai 614990. You should send your application documents by a registered letter with delivery notification and with an enclosure list. Admission deadlines of the documents sent by post are no later than the dates defined in the Rules, paragraph 2.7 ( You cannot send you application documents by e-mail.    

In addition to an application form an applicant should provide copies of identification documents and other documents listed in the Rules, paragraph 2.1 ( You can find an application form on PNRPU site (, in section «Entrance Rules».

To apply for the following majors and fields of study:

13.03.02 Electrical power engineering and electrotechnology
23.03.03 Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes
21.05.02 Applied Geology
21.05.04 Mining

an applicant has to undergo a medical examination and provide a medical certificate or copy of a medical certificate indicating that he/she has undergone medical examination (medical specialists, laboratory assessment and function study). The list of medical specialists, labs and function study is confirmed by the official order of the Russian Federation Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development (you can find the list on PNRPU site in section «Entrance Rules»). A medical certificate is valid if it has been got no prior than year ago by the application and entrance testing deadlines (

Deadlines of application documents (originals) and the enrollment agreement submission for bachelor and specialist programs for state-financing places (no later 18-00, local time):

July 28, 2017

applicants ( who have the right under the Rules to submit copies of application documents) without entrance testing, for quota places under  the special right, for quota places under the target admission

August 1, 2017

Applicants for full-time/part-time mode of study,  who are in competitive lists and who want to be enrolled during the first enrolment stage under the general competition.

August 6,  2017

full-time/part-time mode of study, who are in competitive lists

August 13, 2017

part-time mode of study, who are in competitive lists

Russian admission office is entitled to establish the deadlines that don`t contradict to the Rules.

Entrance testing                              

Admission to bachelor and specialist educational programs is based on the  results of EGE (a Russian Unified State Exam – «ЕГЭ»). EGE registration and dates you can find on the EGE official site ( EGE dates are announced by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Special categories of applicants with secondary general education documents: disabled children, disabled persons, foreigners, persons who passed final state exams (general subjects), persons who got secondary general education document within 1 year before application documents submission and entrance testing deadlines (deadlines included) can apply for educational programs on the basis of  PNRPU exams results and (or)  the EGE results.

Admission  for bachelor and specialist educational programs of applicants with secondary general education certificate (basic vocational education included) is based on the results of PNRPU exams.

Admission  for bachelor and specialist educational programs of applicants with secondary general education certificate (basic vocational education included) is based on the results of PNRPU exams.

PNRPU exams for applying for:

 Bachelor and (or) specialist programs

Full-time mode of study

July 17- July 25 , 2017 (for applying under admission quotas)

August 9 – August 14, 2017 (for applying for fee-based places);

According to the timetable confirmed by the official order of PNRPU Rector

Part-time mode of study

July 17- July 25 , 2017 (for applying for state-funding places)/ August 9 – August 14, 2017

Part-time mode of study

July 17- July 25 , 2017 and August 9 – August 14, 2017

Entrance testing results will be announced on the official site and on the information stand:

• verbal entrance testing – on the same day;

• writing  entrance testing –  on the next working day after the exam.

To apply for BACHELOR programs for fee-based places (you will pay for your study) please come to the International Relations Office (office 329 main PNRPU building, office 311 Building B). 


Russian admission office organizes and realizes admission to master programs (state-funded places). Operational administration of admission is managed by faculties.

To apply for a master program, please fill in an application form. Admission is on the competitive basis, separately for each competition (the competition groups is established by the Admission plan under the Rector official order).

Submission of the documents ( including the enrolment  agreement  and application documents (originals, not copies)) for master programs for  state-funding places

Full-time/part-time mode of study


August 13, 2017

Applicants who have not provided the  enrolment agreement and original application documents by the deadline are not allowed to participate in the competition 

Entrance testing for applicants

Full-time/part-time mode of study

August 16, 2017


Selection and enrolment for state-funded places

(managed by faculties)

Full-time/part-time mode of study

August 17, 2017

Russian admission office can extend application deadlines for vacant places arisen during the application period or entrance testing establishing the admission procedure.

To apply for MASTER programs for fee-based places (you will pay for your study) please come to the International Relations Office (office 329 main PNRPU building, office 311 building B). 

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