Experimental Characterization

Experimental base of the laboratory is focused on high-precision research of mechanical characteristics, surface properties and internal structure of samples of artificial and natural materials:

  • Mechanical tensile, compression, torsion and bending tests, including testing with immersion in liquid media, with a maximum load of 5 kN. A temperature-controlled bath chamber allows simulation of the physiological environmental conditions required for biomedical testing.
  • Determination of the mechanical and strength properties of artificial and biological samples.
  • Non-contact measurements of strains during a test, including those in a liquid environment.
  • Measurements of strain on the specimen surface during the test with high accuracy and resolution using three-dimensional digital image correlation system (DIC).
  • Environmental scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) - research on the surface structure of both artificial materials and natural objects, including liquid or biological samples on the cryogenic table.
  • Optical microscopy with different methods of contrasting - light field, dark field, differential interference-contrast method, as well as polarization.


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