Petr V. Trusov

Petr V. Trusov
Professor,Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Tel./fax: +7 (342) 2-391-607, 2-391-551
- Head of Mathematical Modelling of Systems and Processes Department, PNRPU;
- Institute of Fundamental Researches, PNRPU;
- Computational continuum media mechanics, member of the Editorial Board;
- VESTNIK of PNRPU (periodical), Mechanics, Deputy Chief Editor.
- Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation (1998).
Web of Science
- Shveykin, A.I., Trusov, P.V., Volegov, P.S. Polycrystals multilevel models using crystal plasticity: Consistency of constitutive equations at different scale levels (2014) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 490 (1), art. no. 012166,
- Volegov, P.S., Trusov, P.V., Shveykin, A.I. Multilevel models of polycrystals using crystal plasticity: Investigation of hardening laws influence on the macro effects of cyclic loading (2014) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 490 (1), art. no. 012037, - Trusov, P.V., Shveykin, A.I. Multilevel crystal plasticity models of single- and polycrystals. Statistical models (2013) Physical Mesomechanics, 16 (1), pp. 23-33. Cited 4 times.
- Trusov, P.V., Shveykin, A.I. Multilevel crystal plasticity models of single- and polycrystals. Direct models (2013) Physical Mesomechanics, 16 (2), pp. 99-124. Cited 2 times.
- Zaitseva, N.V., Trusov, P.V., Kir'ianov, D.A. [Mathematic concept model of accumulation of functional disorders associated with environmental factors]. (2012) Meditsina truda i promyshlennaia ekologiia, (12), pp. 40-45.
- Trusov, P.V., Shveykin, A.I., Nechaeva, E.S., Volegov, P.S. Multilevel models of inelastic deformation of materials and their application for description of internal structure evolution (2012) Physical Mesomechanics, 15 (3-4), pp. 155-175. Cited 3 times. - Trusov, P.V., Volegov, P.S., Yants, A.Y. Asymmetric crystal plasticity theory for the evolution of polycrystal microstructures (2012) Physical Mesomechanics, 15 (1-2), pp. 58-68. Cited 1 time.
- Trusov, P.V., Ashikhmin, V.N., Shveykin, A.I. Physical elastoplastic analysis of deformation of fee metals (2011) Physical Mesomechanics, 14 (1-2), pp. 40-48. Cited 2 times.
- Trusov, P.V., Volegov, P.S. Internal variable constitutive relations and their application to description of hardening in single crystals (2010) Physical Mesomechanics, 13 (3-4), pp. 152-158. Cited 4 times.
- Trusov, P.V., Ashikhmin, V.N., Volegov, P.S., Shveykin, A.I. Constitutive relations and their application to the description of microstructure evolution (2010) Physical Mesomechanics, 13 (1-2), pp. 38-46. Cited 4 times.
- Trusov, P.V., Shishkina, O.V. Comparative analysis of some formulations of the stability problem (2009) Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 50 (1), pp. 93-98.
Web of Science
- Trusov, P.V., Shveykin, A.I., Nechaeva, E.S., Volegov, P.S. Multilevel models of inelastic deformation of materials and their application for description of internal structure evolution (2012) Physical Mesomechanics, 15 (3-4), pp. 155-175. Cited 3 times.
- Trusov, P.V., Volegov, P.S., Yants, A.Y. Asymmetric crystal plasticity theory for the evolution of polycrystal microstructures (2012) Physical Mesomechanics, 15 (1-2), pp. 58-68. Cited 1 time.
- Trusov, P.V., Ashikhmin, V.N., Shveykin, A.I. Physical elastoplastic analysis of deformation of fee metals (2011) Physical Mesomechanics, 14 (1-2), pp. 40-48. Cited 2 times.
- Trusov, P.V., Volegov, P.S. Internal variable constitutive relations and their application to description of hardening in single crystals (2010) Physical Mesomechanics, 13 (3-4), pp. 152-158. Cited 4 times.
- Trusov, P.V., Ashikhmin, V.N., Volegov, P.S., Shveykin, A.I. Constitutive relations and their application to the description of microstructure evolution (2010) Physical Mesomechanics, 13 (1-2), pp. 38-46. Cited 4 times.
- Trusov, P.V., Shishkina, O.V. Comparative analysis of some formulations of the stability problem (2009) Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 50 (1), pp. 93-98.
- Trusov, P.V., Volegov, P.S., Yanz, A.Y. Two-scale models of polycrystals: Macroscale motion decomposition (2014) Physical Mesomechanics, 17 (2), pp. 116-122.
- Isupova, I.L., Trusov, P.V. Mathematical modeling of phase transformations in steel under thermomechanical loading (2013) PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin, (3), pp. 132-163.
- Isupova, I.L., Trusov, P.V. Review of mathematical models on phase transformations in steels (2013) PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin, (3), pp. 164-199.
- Matsyuk, K.V., Trusov, P.V. Model for descrition viscoelastoplastic deformation of hcp crystals: Asymmetric stress measures, hardening laws (2013) PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin, (4), pp. 76-106.
- Trusov, P.V., Volegov, P.S., Shveykin, A.I. Multilevel model of inelastic deformation of FCC polycrystalline with description of structure evolution (2013) Computational Materials Science, 79, pp. 429-441.
- Trusov, P.V., Zaitseva, N.V., Kiryanov, D.A., Kamaltdinov, M.R., Cinker, M.J., Chigvintsev, V.M., Lanin, D.V. A mathematical model for evolution of human functional disorders influenced by environment factors (2012) Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics, 7 (2), pp. 589-610. Cited 1 time.
- Trusov, P.V., Charntsev, D.A., Pechenkina, A.M. Thermal status of the noise- and heat-protective housing of a gas-turbine plant in a gas-pumping unit (2010) Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, 46 (7), pp. 441-445.
- Klimov, V.A., Valovskiy, K.V., Valovskly, V.M., Trusov, P.V., Shvejkln, A.I. Justifying diagnostic indicators of pump rod fatigue failure (2009) Neftyanoe Khozyaistvo - Oil Industry, (11), pp. 126-129.
- Klimov, V.A., Valovsky, K.V., Valovsky, V.M., Trusov, P.V., Shvejkln, A.I. Reducing the risk of rod breakage with improved methods of qualitative and quantitative assessment of the remainina life (2009) Neftyanoe Khozyaistvo - Oil Industry, (7), pp. 60-64.
Projects and grants
- Over 10 grants of the Russian Federation for Basic Research.
Exploitation of rod string, Federal Institute for Industrial Property
Patent number: RU 02410522 C1
Authors: Akhmadiev.N.А., Valovsky К.V., Valovsky V.М., Vanyurikhin I.S., Voronkov V.S., Klimov V.А., Pischaev D.V., Тrusov P.V.
Registration country: Russia
valid since: September 18, 2009
- Finding multilevel models for description of intensive plastic straining of multiphase polycrystals;
- Developing mathematical models for description of human body functioning as a whole and its organs and systems.
Lectures, courses:
- Continuum media mechanics;
- Plasticity theory;
- Physical theories of plasticity.
Trained 25 PhDs and 3 Doctors of Sciences.