Our mission is to support, enhance, and collaborate in the instructional, research, and service activities of the faculty, students, and staff, and contribute to the common good by collecting, organizing, preserving, communicating, and sharing the record of human knowledge. This mission is accomplished through the provision of the various collections available through the library system.
Print collections (by faculty):
1. Aerospace
2. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
3. Chemical Technology
4. Civil Engineering
5. Electrical Engineering (inc. IT)
6. Humanities
7. Mechanics and Engineering
8. Mining and Petroleum
Print collections (special):
1. Scientific
2. Periodicals
3. References
4. Fiction
Digital collections:
1. The core of electronic resources includes “ScienceDirect”, “Springer”, “EBSCO Publishing” and “The full-text database of a Russian dissertations by The Russian State Library”. Usually library’s users can access over 30 scientific on-line databases per year.
2. “The Digital Library of the PNRPU” includes documents (books & journals) provided by university's publishing department.
Search tools for print and digital collections
can be found on library website
(“Ask-a-librarian”, “Electronic Catalog”, “EBSCO Discovery”, “EBSCO A-to-Z”, etc.)