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ASRTU meeting in Perm

ASRTU meeting in Perm


Dear colleagues, faculty and students of member and associate universities of ASRTU!

Russian and Chinese universities of ASRTU have expressed their interest in participating in the ASRTU-2015 meeting in Perm. We would like to express our gratitude to partner universities for all the hard work! As the preliminary preparations are already finished we are able to provide detailed information on the event: 


  • Flight information

Participating universities must provide their flight information before 25 June to ASRTU (asrtu@hit.edu.cn) and Perm National Research Polytechnic University (dan@pstu.ru) for the committee to organize airport transfers. Please see attached template.


  • Accommodation information

Location №1:
Ural Hotel
58, Lenina st., Perm, Russia, 614000
To: Booking department
Fax : +7 (342) 212 92 17
Ph: +7 (342) 218 62 61, 218 60 30
E-mail: ural-hotel@permtourist.ru
Accommodation cost: “Studio” 4 400 rub. (70$) (breakfast included), “Lux” 5 600 rub. (100$) (breakfast included).

Location №2:
PNRPU residence hall
18 Professora Dedyukina Street, Perm, Russia, 614013
Contact details:
Tel: +7 (342) 2-198-971, 2-198-259
Student teams will be placed in the residence hall, 1 or 2 people per room. Cost of accommodation and 3 meals a day for the student teams are included into the student registration fee of 5 500 rub. (100 $) per person.

Meeting organizer contact details:
Address: 29 Komsomolsky prospekt (2nd floor, hall), Perm, Russia, 614000
Tel/fax: +7 (342) 2-198-432
E-mail: cuko-dok@pstu.ru
Angela Popova


  • Useful information

- For special accommodation enquiries please address the Ural hotel reception.

- At check-in credit cards (VISA, MasterCard) and cash (rubles) are accepted.

- There are a few banks in the immediate vicinity of the hotel, where currency can be exchanged.

- The hotel will provide all necessary receipts and invoices for financial reporting.

- Registration fee is paid in cash (rubles) at registration of student teams and is 5 000 rubles incl. VAT.

- Hotel check-in time is 14:00, check-out 12:00 (for early check-in please contact the organizer).


  • Recommendations

• The weather in Perm at the end of June is very nice, air temperature is 20-26 ?. Light clothing, t-shirts, light suits, recreational clothes and other comfortable clothing are recommended.

• When visiting the Kungur ice cave it is advisable to wear warm clothing and sneakers. Wool sweaters, costumes and other warm and comfortable clothes are advisable.

• Please have copies of passports ready: main and visa pages.

• The cash limit to be brought into the country without declaring is $5000 US equivalent.

• Be careful and adhere to Russian laws. To avoid getting lost it is advisable to move around the city in groups


  • PNRPU contacts

Nikolai Lobov
Vice-rector for education
Tel: +7 (342) 219 80 68
Fax: +7 (342) 219 80 67
E-mail: lobov@pstu.ru 

Aleksandr Danilov
Assistant to vice-rector for education
Tel: +7 (342) 219 8432
Fax: +7 (342) 219 84 32
E-mail: dan@pstu.ru 

Petr Yuzmanov
Head of International Office
Tel: +7 (342) 2-198-133
E-mail: useman@pstu.ru 

ASRTU Russian contacts:    
(Bauman MSTU, Moscow, Russia)
Viktor Timofeev
Tel: + 7 (499) 263 6212
Fax: + 7 499 263 6265
E-mail: timofeev@bmstu.ru