PNRPU and noncommercial partnership Ural Association of Ecologically Aware Enterprises are welcoming everybody to take part in the International Conference “Changing From Waste Management to Recourse Management”
The conference will take place on November 19-20, 2013 at PNRPU.
Address: Perm, 29 Komsomolsky prospekt.
The conference target: exchanging knowledge and experience in advanced technologies of solid household wastes processing and disposal.
The conference topics:
1. Theoretical and practical issues of researching the contents and properties of solid household wastes;
2. New technologies of selecting, transporting, sorting and processing solid household wastes;
3. Engineering design, construction and operation of landfills;
4. Soil reclamation and post operational maintenance of landfills.
On November 20 the conference will have a series of master classes by European scientists and specialists from Vienna University of Natural Recourses and Applied Sciences (Austria), Technical University of Hamburg and Technical University of Dresden (Germany).
The noncommercial partnership Ural Association of Ecologically Aware Enterprises URALECO (Еkaterinburg) will have a round table on November 20. It will be devoted to interregional cooperation in terms of waste management, selection of wastes and recycling solid household wastes.
The participation in conference is free of charge.
The authors can present their information either in lectures or posters.
The initial application is due before November 1, 2013.
If you have questions, please ask Yulia Makarova: +7 (342) 2-391-482 or write a message to
We would be glad to see you at the conference!