At the end of last year the Russian Startup Rating (RSP) published a list of 50 most advanced Russian startups in 2014. A panel of experts chose the best startups. The jury (50 people in total) included experts, senior managers and founders of largest successful companies such as Kaspersky Lab Russia, Intel, Microsoft, Helsinki Ventures, PwC, RUSNANO etc.
Over 1600 projects took part in the contest. Any startup project could apply for entry into the competition. Competitors had to conform to the two simple requirements: applicant company had to be less than 6 years old and have less than 120 workers.
All startups were divided into four categories:
1. Hi-Tech (new materials and equipment);
2. BioMedTech (biotechnology and medicine);
3. IT/ Internet/ Mobile;
4. Cleantech (recycling, renewable energy etc).
Small innovative company “Intellect” founded in partnership with PNRPU successfully qualified for entry with their PromoBot project and joined the ranks of the 50 best Russian startups according to the Russian StartUp Rating.
For reference:
RSR is a service that deals with evaluation of Russian startups. The project aim is to develop an ecosystem for technology entrepreneurship in Russia. RSR service discovers promising businesses which are unknown to sponsors and the mainstream audience. RSR rating is made up in accordance with information evaluation and expert community opinion. Key points are characteristics and perspectives of each product: potential demand, business segment and team professionalism.