21-22 September PNRPU had a visit from Armin Grunwald, German professor, Head of Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (Karlsruhe, Germany), Head of the Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag, Professor of Philosophy of Technology at the institute of philosophy, KIT. The purpose of the visit was taking part in a series of technology assessment events.
PNRPU Faculty of Humanities was the organizer of the events represented by its dean Viktor Mokhov, as well as the head of Philosophy and Law department Vladimir Zheleznyak and head of RRI_Lab scientific laboratory Elena Seredkina.
During the visit our university and the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis signed a cooperation agreement. As part of the agreement Perm Tech will host the “21st Century Engineer” international scientific conference. There are also plans to open a specialized MA course.