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Fiber ground — the new ground for Russia

Fiber ground — the new ground for Russia

13 November 2019 127

The team from "Construction operations and geotechnique" developed first technology in Russia for improving the ground with the help of polymeric fiber.

Fiber ground is a composite material, that is a mixture of the ground participles with the polymeric fibers. Common technologies are used abroad today. The football fields for football championship in 2018 were prepared by foreign bidders, covering the football fields by the fiber ground. The technology is demanded on the domestic market, but at the same time there is no host company that could deliver service using the fiber ground.

During the last 10 years there is a problem for improving the ground which is being solved by using the roll geosynthetic materials but not the fiber ground. Designing the construction is being done without taking into account the functional conception of the synthetic material in the ground that can lead to horrible disaster.

The main results necessary for completion of the research project are going to be obtained in the end of 2020.

It is planned to launch the product to the B2B and B2G construction market. But for that it is necessary to develop mixing equipment for increasing the growth of the fiber ground production.

Moreover it is considered to launch the ground fiber to the B2C market that can be used for improving the detached house land property.

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