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Foreign experts discussed the future green strategy

Foreign experts discussed the future green strategy

13 December 2019 127

In the beginning of December there was IV International scientific research conference devoted to the wastes treatment and management. There were both Russian and foreign experts.

The conference is a place where experts meet and share and exchange their ideas, knowledge with each other. There is a spread between Russian and Europe systems of wastes treatment. EU standards are very strict: the wastes treatment system has been changing since 80-90's. In Austria such system has been formed up to now.

Both Austrian and European systems are complicated. Guests from abroad were interested in how the system is working here in Russia, because it is necessary to take into account that approaches that work in Austria can't be used in Russia. Demographic , social-economical conditions are different. Depending on all these aspects the solutions will be different.

Today the main problem to be solved is circular economy that includes certain target indicators that must be achieved by each country. In the near future there will be wastes challenges because the key principles of any country are to make it possible to decrease the volume of wastes. 

The base of any economy is the growth of any part of economy: product production increase, product consumption increase. As result the more waste there are. Decreasing the waste volume will be connected with the improving the economics. And it will be difficult.

The task is to change the product that is used once into the product that will be used more than once.

It is the second joint project with Perm Tech. The main idea is to create the data base of landfills characteristics. The data base will be used not only by the landfill operators but also by another ones: for instance, by scientists or by the government.  

The biggest part of measurements are carried out in Russia. There is all necessary equipment for that. The role of the BOKU university is that there is an exchange of experience, knowledge and data, that can be useful. Parallel measurements can be carried out in Austria on order to make verifications.

The waste treatment field is developing rapidly, so one should not think that we hit the iron ceiling and relax. One must look around and be ready to implement new ideas.

The main green strategy that people should follow in order to escape the global catastrophe is to change the economic system that is based on the growth and to influence the consumers.

The scientist are doing their best for society but nobody knows how the society will react on such changes.

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